The Top 5 Causes of a Leaking Roof (and How to Troubleshoot Them)

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Discovering a brown blotch on your ceiling is quite alarming. Over time, that water breaks out your roof, and you scramble to look for pots or buckets to catch the leaks. You have no idea what type of deterioration your leaking roof is doing to your house.

You may even find mold growth that could harm you and your family. The best defense for homeowners is cautiousness and prompt measures. So, let’s get the top six culprits of a leaky roof and what you can do to fix them.

  1. Vent boots

The rubber boot on the plumbing vents could form tears or cracks. If the aluminum flashing shows no signs of damage, it’s best to replace the boot. Pry up the uncovered edge of the old flashing with a flat bar, pull any nails, raise the bottom, and eject off the pipeline.

Lay an ample drip of roof sealant under the new flashing, then slide it beneath the shingle above the pipe.

  1. Ice Dams

If you live in an area with icy winters, you might have undergone a leaky roof caused by ice dams. Warm air leaking from the attic causes a thaw and freezes the rim of the top. You could put a roof de-icing cable or block the air leaks in your attic, increasing your insulation.

  1. Moss

If your home is even partly in the shade, parts of the roof that don’t get sunlight might grow some moss. It could get underneath shingles, which could damage their seal and cause roof leaks. In addition, it could rot any roofing material, especially asphalt and cedar shingles.

If you have a new roof, placing strips of copper or zinc spread between shingles will deter moss growth. If you instead have an old roof, you can scrub and hose down the moss. You can also buy Moss and Algae Killer or DIY one part water and one part liquid laundry bleach, spray and leave for twenty minutes before brushing.

  1. Incorrect Driven Nails 

Another reason for any leaky roof is when a roofing nail or a decking nail draws out of a shingle. The pin may withdraw back up over the shingle if it’s not driven enough. Then, when it rains, water follows the nail right inside, leading to a roof leaking into the home.

Want to learn the best way on how to stop my roof from leaking? First, you or a roofer must bust the seal on the shingle, raise the shingle, pull out the nail, and move it. It would also be best to reseal any leftover nail holes in the shingle to prevent water from getting in.

  1. Flunked Flashing

Compromised flashing is one typical issue on a roof. Flashing are thin ribbons of metal seated at hazard points for leaks on a roof. Seal the flashing completely to safeguard against water intrusion.

It also has to stay nailed in place, and even if that is all in order, the metal can crack or rust. The cost of flashing replacement can be costly, depending on the size of the job and materials.

If you suspect you might have a leaky roof, consider checking for expert analysis.

Top 5 Causes and Solutions for a Leaking Roof

Now you know the main causes of a leaking roof. However, bear in mind that you won’t know if your roof needs repairs until an expert performs an inspection. Call an experienced roofer in your area to inspect your roof thoroughly.

Want to learn more about roof maintenance and repairs? Don’t stop here! Check out our other blog posts to learn more!

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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