6 Tips to Follow When Choosing a Roof for Your House

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When it comes to roofing your home, there are a lot of factors to consider. The most important decision you will make is what type of roof to install. There are a variety of roofing materials available on the market, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, you will explore six tips to follow when choosing a roof for your house.

Materials and Weight

Depending on what you are covering, what your local construction codes are, and how much money you have all determine what materials will be best suited for your roof. If you live in an area with a lot of rain and wind, a heavier roof made from a stronger material may be a better choice. If you live in an area with earthquakes or extremely hot weather, shingles will not hold up as well as tiles. Roofing materials that are lightweight, such as vinyl and metal roofs tend to be cheaper but cannot last as long as other types such as concrete and clay (which can both be quite heavy). There are certain disadvantages of metal roofing that every homeowner should be aware of before investing in them. Your local contractors should know what kind of roof is best suited for where you live.

Weight also plays a role in how much your house weighs. If your home’s weight increases by more than five percent, it will need to be engineered and inspected by state officials before the construction can continue.

Roof Steepness

Another factor that should be considered is how steep the roof is. The steeper the roof, the more difficult it is to walk on and fix any damaged areas. This can be especially hazardous in cold weather when you are wearing heavy boots. A fairly flat roof will require less maintenance than a very steep one. You should consult with your contractor on what sort of design will work best for your house.

But also know this – the more snow is expected, the steeper the roof must be, as snow that piles up is heavy and can break through the roof at one point.

Collecting Rainfall

If you live in an area where it rains a lot, the type of material that collects and drains rainfall is crucial. For example, if water is not able to drip off your roof and into gutters, it will cause problems such as mold and mildew growth within the walls of your house. Make sure when choosing a roof for your house that it allows for proper drainage.

Rainfall is a very clean source of water and is very popular with those trying to live off the grid.

Solar Panels

Another factor to consider when choosing a roof is whether or not you’ll be adding solar panels. Solar panels are an excellent way to save money by generating free electricity from the sun, but they cannot work if the angle of the roof is too steep. Consult with your contractor on how much of an incline can be tolerated before solar panels will no longer work effectively.

The solar panels placed on the roof require a proper underlying construction, therefore it should be prepared beforehand while building or repairing the roof itself. 


The insulation of a roof is also very important. The older your house, the more likely it isn’t insulated well enough. This can cause problems such as drafts and pipes freezing in the wintertime. In the summer, an uninsulated roof heats up quickly and makes it far too hot to be inside without A/C. Make sure that when choosing a roof for your house, you get something with proper insulation, so your quality of life will be better off instead of having long-term issues from heat loss or heat gain.

Energy Efficiency

Roofs that have been designed to keep solar radiation out during the day while still allowing warmth into a building turn into energy-efficient roofs. These types of roofs are great to use if you live in an area with a lot of solar radiation, such as the desert or somewhere closer to the equator. However, if you do not get enough rainfall and your roof is painted black, it will create a greenhouse effect and cause your house to heat up more than usual and become harder to cool down.

A roof is a crucial component of any home. It protects your house from water damage, keeps you warm during the winter, and cool during the summer. This article explored six tips to follow when choosing a roof for your house. Factors that should be considered include weight, rainfall drainage, solar panel placement, insulation, and energy efficiency. Every homeowner should consult with their contractor to find out what type of roof will work best for their specific needs.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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