How to Transform Your Garage into an Entertainment Space

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Lots of people have some sort of garage either in their garden or attached to their home, but relatively few of them use it as anything other than a storage space or a place to work on DIY projects. This can be a real shame, as with the right adaptations, a garage can be the ideal place to entertain family and friends. In fact, if you have the right heating and insulation, you could host people even on the coldest winter evenings. This article outlines some important factors to keep in mind when transforming your garage into a space for entertaining friends and family.


If your garage floor is concrete, it will be attracting a lot of dust and dirt, and it will be difficult to clear away moisture. One of the most important changes you can make to your garage is to cover the floor in epoxy paint that will be durable, easy to clean, and will look much more attractive.


The garage is often the place where we store everything from DIY tools and paint cans to Christmas decorations and sports equipment. If you want to invite people into your garage, you need to ensure that not only are your possessions stored securely but also that your guests are safe and have space to move freely. It may be time to sort through your garage and clear out what is no longer needed and ensure any hazards are out of the way.


Think about how guests will enter your garage. You might have an internal door in your home that links directly to the garage, but you might not want all your guests walking through the house. Therefore, you will want to think more about the external door. Do you have enough space inside the garage, or could you do with more? Those with side hinged garage doors enjoy more space inside their garage and find it is more convenient to open and close. Plus, these garage doors can also improve the insulation levels making it easier to heat the space and boost security.


In the summer, it is great to throw open the garage doors and enjoy the warmth, but in the winter, the garage can be a very cold place to be. Heating a garage with a portable heater, however, can be expensive and difficult as they are often poorly insulated. The key is to ensure your garage is well insulated and to choose a heater that is safe for use in a garage as some can be a fire hazard.


With the flooring, access, and heating sorted, you need to think about where your guests will sit and/or eat and drink. It can be difficult to keep soft furnishings in good condition in a garage, but a comfortable patio furniture set could be perfect. You might want to install a refrigerator where you can keep drinks and snacks cold without having to make multiple journeys to the kitchen.


In addition to serving food and drink, you might want to provide some entertainment for your guests. Depending on the space you have, you could provide some music, a pool table, darts board, a basketball hoop, or a set of garden skittles, but there are plenty of ways to entertain guests at home.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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