Make Your Apartment Ready For Winter

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When winter is approaching, not only do you need to prepare yourself for the cold but also your home. If you simply leave everything the way it was in the summer, you may be ill-prepared for what winter is about to throw at you.

Even if you live in an apartment, there are some things you should do to your place to winterize it and get it ready for the cold. These will ensure you stay both warm and comfortable in your apartment all winter long. This article is going to cover a few tips to help you get your apartment prepared for the winter.

Ensure Your Apartment Can Stay Warm

The first thing to keep in mind is to make sure your apartment can stay warm in the winter. If not, you will be in for an uncomfortable and chilly couple of months. While you want to ensure your heating system works, you also want to make sure the warm inside of your apartment is sealed from the cold outdoor air.

Be sure to take some time to detect air leaks and see if there are any ways for cold air to enter your apartment. These leaks can appear anywhere, but are often found near doors or windows, and once you find these cracks, be sure to seal them up. It’s also a good idea to consider insulating your windows.

Consider Adding Some Humidity

During the winter, the humidity in and around your home will drop dramatically. This is due to the fact that cold air holds much less moisture than when the air is warm. This can lead to everything from a dry and sore throat in the morning, to more static shocks. To prevent these issues, find ways to add some humidity in your apartment.

A great option here is a portable humidifier. They come in a range of different sizes, so no matter how large your apartment, keeping it humid in the dry and cold winter months shouldn’t be a problem. Another option could be to leave your laundry to dry on drying racks as opposed to using your dryer.

Switch Your Bedding

Something you may not think of doing, but is generally a good idea, is to switch out your bedding. In the summer, most of us sleep fairly hot and have thinner blankets on our beds to prevent us from overheating.

But if you continue to use these blankets in the winter, you may find yourself struggling to get warm. As a result, be sure to pick up some thicker and more plush blankets to keep you comfortable. You should consider not only adding more blankets, but also changing the fabric you use in your bed. Going from a light and thin cotton to flannel or jersey knit can help keep you warm and toasty on those frigid nights.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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