Tae House: A New Bigger House for Rapid-Grow Family Members

Tae House 34

As the family members grow rapidly, the need for a bigger house is urgent. Tae House is designed as a new bigger house by I LIKE DESIGN STUDIO to accommodate approximately 12 people of various ages. The 2 out of 3 old houses are demolished to build a new house on a land size of 100 square wah.


Tae House 45

Tae House 39

Tae House 40

Tae House 41

Tae House 42

Tae House 43

Tae House 44

Tae House 33

Tae House 34

Tae House 35

Tae House 36

Tae House 37

Tae House 38

The original one-storey of the house is replaced by a new three-storey house with a 790-square-meters  usable area. It is a house designed to fit the area of the land with its limited space. The internal space is also designed vertically and horizontally circulation to save the house space to support the family members’ function,



Tae House 28

Tae House 29

Tae House 30

Tae House 31

Tae House 32

Tae House 22

Tae House 23

Tae House 24

Tae House 25

Tae House 26

Tae House 27

Tae House 15

Tae House 16

In the middle of the building, the main circulation distributes access to the house’s various areas. There is a car park area on the first floor designed for six cars. A laundry room and a maid room can be found in the back area of the house. The living and dining rooms are located at the right-wing area of the house with opening windows to take the garden view.



Tae House 17

Tae House 18

Tae House 19

Tae House 20

Tae House 21

Tae House 8

Tae House 9

Tae House 10

Tae House 11

Tae House 12

Tae House 13

Tae House 14

Tae House 1

Tae House 2

A common room with a high ceiling is on the second floor for a family party, a second private living room to access four bedrooms. The top floor is the third floor of the house, used for two master bedrooms. A Budah room and small bedrooms are located in the middle of this third floor too.


Tae House Gallery


Photographer: Soopakorn Srisakul

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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