Modern Design Trends to Help Refresh Your Bedroom’s Interiors

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The interior decoration of our bedrooms resonates with us from its intimacy, but modern design trends are changing how we interact with the space’s atmosphere. As the bedroom is a place of rest, homeowners are constantly searching for harmony and simplicity in trending designs while also yearning for comfort. The following design trends will fulfill those needs.

Keep the Cozy in Modern – Some Quick Tips

Modern decor is sometimes associated with harsh lines, few patterns, and a white bedroom. You may find that these concepts don’t add up to cozy or relaxing, but simplicity can actually relax the mind faster than cluttered walls. 

Chic curtains are the first step to creating a comfy bedroom because warm colors, like brown and grey, will let less light in so you can sleep soundly.

Kilim rugs, which are pileless textiles that are woven in intricate patterns, will add a significant color pop if you add a sizable one underneath any bed size that’s small or large

If you prefer a monochrome range, it’s better to do so if you have other accent elements like a colored chair or bench. 

Wood also has a strong presence this year due to its calming, natural effect.

Lighting is another element to watch for. Choose warm instead of cool to promote a friendly atmosphere, and don’t forget to open the blinds to make the room spacious and bright. 

Finally, don’t overload the space with nicknacks. Instead, the focus should be on optimizing the space to either hide more clutter or only to keep what you need on your bedside table.

Colors and Finishes for Bedroom Decor

For the longest time, white, beige, and creme remain popular colors because they invoke silence and calm. However, in recent years grays, browns, and blacks are starting to appear in bedrooms because of how they present a unique charm. With an added wood floor or wall, you can completely change the feeling and mood by creating a rustic cottage look.

Black and white together is exceptionally dynamic and one of the biggest consistencies in a modern bedroom. Just be careful not to overdo the dark look, or you could cast too many shadows. Add pastel shades or natural fibers to create more depth and coziness. Dark greens are trendy because the color is darker but not dark enough to depress a room.

Popular Decorating Styles

Scandinavian Simplicity

One design trend that has become popular recently is the Scandinavian style bedroom which features hanging bedside tables, clean-shaped accessories, a massive wood bed frame, and open bookcases. This style imitates vintage Nordic decorations with its wood accents because they bring personality to the space. Adding warm grays or off-white accents can create a calming atmosphere, and a brick wall can produce a more modern style.

Eco Sustainability

More wood is found in the eco-sustainability style trend. Instead of perfectly crafted wood tiling or intricate furniture, eco-sustainability values exposed beams, bespoke beds, and high pile rugs. Think of this decorating style as a taste of cottage life with a touch of clean lines and white furniture and bedding. Less is more with eco-sustainability, so try to avoid too many electronic accents unless you have the means to cover them. For example, hiding a TV behind a painting.

Art Deco Style

Art Deco was popular in the late 19th century for its bright colors and bold geometric patterns. Antique and Eastern design concepts are essential in this style because the curved lines and bronze statues aren’t easy to find in the modern-day. Still, designers are starting to take notice of this style’s recent popularity and began making larger beds, ornate paintings, and round vases that fit perfectly in these rooms. While wood isn’t a typical appearance in art deco, shades of orange, purple, blues, and greens are sometimes present in decorative wood art.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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