How To Effectively Clean Your Leather Sofa

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A leather sofa is generally a stylish addition to any living space. They are soft, luxurious, and usually easy to clean. Of course, they are cold to the touch n the winter months, but this is easily overcome with a throw.

However, while leather sofas are generally easy to keep clean. Certain spills can cause you an issue. Equally, you may simply want to undertake a deeper cleaner once or twice a year, this will help to ensure your sofa stays in peak condition.

The best option is to use a professional sofa cleaning company. They’ll have all the equipment and skills needed, giving you a perfect leather sofa in virtually no time.

However, if you feel that this is something you can do yourself, then you’ll want to consider the following tips.


It’s essential to vacuum your leather sofa regularly. Debris, especially from food crumbs, can get trapped in all sorts of places and will rub against the coating of the leather. This damages the protective layer and can ruin your sofa. Vacuuming regularly will help to prevent this.

You should also vacuum again before you do a deep sofa clean.

Water & Vinegar

Mix some water and white vinegar in a bowl. You should use the same amount of each. This is a great solution for lifting dirt from the leather and returning the natural shine. You should note vinegar and water will naturally separate, you’ll need to keep stirring it to ensure your mixture is good.

Simply get a clean cloth damp in the mixture and run it over your leather sofa. Go over all the surfaces of your leather couch, ensuring that the cloth remains damp but not wet.

You can do the entire sofa before going back up with a dry cloth to pick up any damp left on the sofa. It is advisable to leave the sofa for an hour or two before sitting on it. This will ensure the vinegar and water solution have completely dried. You don’t want that mixture getting on your clothes.

Baking Soda

If you’re dealing with stains, specifically grease stains, you should put a little baking soda with a little water and make a paste. It can then be applied to the stain, using a gentle circular motion. Leave the baking soda in position for fifteen minutes and then vacuum the area. It will remove any grease!

Rubbing Alcohol

This is very effective if you’re dealing with ink stains. Simply dip a cotton ball into rubbing alcohol and dab the stain. It will slowly lift the ink out of the leather. Just keep using fresh pieces of cotton until the stain has gone.


To finish any leather sofa wash you need to condition the leather. This protects it and keeps it soft. All you have to do is mix equal amounts of vinegar and lemon oil in a bowl. Then, dampen your cloth and run it all over your sofa.

You don’t need to press hard but it is recommended to leave it 24 hours before drying and sitting on it again.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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