Characteristics and Uses of Tempered Glass That Makes Them the Most Preferable Choice

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If tempered glass costs more than ordinary glass, why choose it? Well, tempering tends to change the ordinary glass into an amazing product that is more usable, versatile, and reliable! Tempered glass is safer than ordinary glass because it is put under numerous thermal and chemical reactions.

Tempered glass sheets have varied physical and mechanical uses which makes them one of the best forms of glass! Because of the tempering, it is four times stronger than ordinary glass. All of these characteristics make tempered glass considerably a better choice for house owners and commercial projects!

Tempered glass is used in various departments like vehicle windows, high-rise apartment buildings, banks, shower doors and enclosures, screen protectors, juicers, and different houseware.

Applications of the tempered glass

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Tempered glass is highly preferred in appliances that constantly face a fluctuation in temperature. Due to its high tendency to face harsh conditions, it is a better option than ordinary glass.

Passenger vehicles or cars 

The passenger vehicles require maximum safety because of the following reasons;

  • Resist climatic fluctuations

They are usually parked outdoors, and face extreme heating and cooling of the weather. On hot summer days when buses are parked their windows face immense heat coming directly from the sun. Under such conditions, normal glass can crack but tempered glass bears the harsh heat and does not crack!

They also save the buses and taxis from UV radiation. And, reduce the noise coming from the honking of the cars!

  • Resist road accidents 

They should be able to resist small road encounters. Tempered glass is four to five times stronger than normal glass which means a small force exerted on the vehicle won’t be able to shatter the glass. It provides extreme safety to the passengers and the driver against any harmful accidents.

  • Resist injuries 

The glass windows should not shatter into million shards like ordinary glass to prevent injuries. Tempered glass never shatters into razor-like small pieces instead it breaks into harmless shards. Which makes it less harmful than ordinary glass.

Kitchen spaces 

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Kitchen spaces need tempered glass because of the following reasons;

  • Ease of clean

It is easy to clean the blotches and splashes from tempered glass. With tempered glass, you can clean the tabletops, cabinets, and other kitchen spaces with a wipe of cloth!

  • Heat resistant 

It can bear a thermal temperature of up to 500F. Which makes it an excellent product to use in the kitchen. You can use it as a backsplash behind your stove without the fear of cracking!

Commercial projects 

Tempered glass is preferable in commercial projects because it is highly reliable and safe to use! Due to its characteristics, tempered glass is in abundant use by many manufacturers and builders. They are used in

  • Shower enclosures in houses
  • Kitchen backsplashes
  • High-rise apartment buildings
  • Banks
  • Windows in commercial buildings etc
  • Glass fireplaces
  • Glass tabletops

Tempered glass characteristics

Some of the major tempered glass characteristics of tempered glass are given as;

  • It is heat resistant

Tempered glass is manufactured by a special heat treatment process by a tempering oven which heats the glass up to 600 degrees celsius. Extreme heating makes tempered glass the best product to use in fireplaces and Greenhouses!

  • It provides noise cancellation

Tempered glass is thicker than ordinary glass which helps it to reduce the coming noise from the outside. This property is good if you want to use tempered glass in places like gyms, music studios, etc.

  • It prevents UV rays 

UV rays can cause huge harm to the skin. These rays are fatal and come directly from the sun. In addition to its noise cancellation property, it also has an SPF of 15 which makes it excellent to use in windows and doors. This way you can enjoy the sun from your south-facing windows without the fear of getting any skin problems!

  • It is more versatile and durable!

Tempered glass is safer and stronger than ordinary glass. Because of this, it is preferred in most bank buildings, utility stores, and even in homes! They provide more protection than ordinary glass.

Why is tempered glass more advised than regular glass?

Tempered glass is more advisable because of the major qualities mentioned above. These qualities make it a huge hit to use in spaces like apartment buildings, commercial buildings, banks, fireplaces, greenhouses, and much more!

Without a doubt, tempered glass is more durable than regular glass. It has numerous benefits that make it stand-out. Even if you have to invest a little in tempered glass, it is worth it!

Wrapping up 

Tempered glass sheets stand out because of their abundant and terrific characteristics. Over the past few years, tempered glass has outrun the normal glass sheet. Tempered glass sheets are used in spaces like greenhouses, vehicles, fireplaces, and many other spaces.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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