5 Transforming Design Tips: Turning a House to Home

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You should be excited! You’ve just gotten the keys to your new house and moved your boxes of stuff in. All you feel when you look around the place is emptiness though.

That’s because you haven’t transformed your house to home yet. Once you throw in a few personal touches, upgrade your lighting, put in some plants, and get rid of all the cardboard boxes, we promise you’ll feel better about your new space.

Are you not sure where to start? Check out this guide to learn more about making your home feel like yours and lift that moving day gloom.

  1. Declutter the Place 

If you’ve got a lot of random stuff strewn about your house, it’s going to feel more like a college dorm room than a home. It’s also stressful to look around at a big mess.

Sell what you don’t need or rent a storage unit to put your spare stuff in until you move into a bigger place. This tip isn’t only important to keep in mind when buying a new house.

You’ll need to declutter when selling too. We buy houses for cash but not when things are super messy.

  1. Put Down a Rug

Never neglect your floors when trying to transform your house to home. There’s nothing that can add a little color to your life quite like a nice area rug. Especially when it’s personal to you.

So, lay down that rug that you inherited from your great-grandma or create one of your own.

  1. Upgrade Your Lighting 

You don’t have to involve yourself in a complicated home remodeling and construction project to upgrade to cozier lighting. Simply taking out your boring overhead fixtures and replacing them with a more creative lighting option will do wonders.

Just make sure to keep the old light fixtures stored away somewhere if you’re renting the place. You’ll have to put them back before you move out.

  1. Add in Some Art Work 

Empty walls can feel disheartening and lonely. Spruce up those sad walls by adding splashes of artwork. You can put up family pictures and paintings that mean a lot to you or head to the dollar store and pick up some interesting pieces for cheap.

Either way, putting up artwork gives you the chance to show off your unique personality and tastes.

  1. Bring Nature Indoors

Pick up a few interesting vases and fill them with your favorite blossoms to add some color to your home.

Flowers are also good for getting rid of depression and increasing a person’s productivity. They’re a win-win.

Transform a House to Home 

Does your new house feel empty and lonely? Transform a house to home by adding a bit of you into the space.

Put up some crazy artwork, bring in your favorite flowers, and upgrade your lighting. It’s the little things that make the biggest difference.

Are you looking for more ways to spruce up your home? Check out our blog daily for even more renovation tips and tricks.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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