Skigard Hytte: A Large Cabin with Wide Wooden Steps and Four Smaller Spaces

Skigard Hytte 9

This large cabin is designed by Mork Ulnes Architects and completed in 2018. Skigard Hytte has a series of wide wooden steps as access to reach it, lead the people to enjoy the stunning views in a veranda. There are also four smaller spaces formed by dividing the cabin internally along its length. This 144sqm cabin is located in Kvitfjell, Norway.

The Site

Skigard Hytte 4

Skigard Hytte 5

Skigard Hytte 6

In Kvitfjell, Norway, the top area of the mountain is a regular grid with 45 wooden columns. These columns lift this 144sqm cabin 1.5m above the site ground to allow native grasses that cows and sheep graze onto the grow below. These columns are also clad with a long and narrow, quarter cut tree log called skigard.



Skigard Hytte 7

Skigard Hytte 8

Skigard Hytte 9

Skigard is traditionally laid out diagonally by Norwegian farmers as fencing. The roof of the cabin is overgrown with the same native grasses found on century’s old Norwegian buildings and on the ground below. This cabin can be accessed through a series of wide wooden steps, leading to the veranda that framing the view of river and valley.



Skigard Hytte 10

Skigard Hytte 11

Skigard Hytte 12

Skigard Hytte 13

This wood cabin is divided internally along its length into four smaller spaces and each of it is housed under a frustrum ceiling capped with a skylight. The cabin spaces are scaled but open physically and visually to the small grove of trees and the landscape below.


Skigard Hytte Gallery


Photographer: Bruce Damonte, Mork Ulnes Architects, Juan Benavides (Video)

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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