Writers’ Cottage 2: A Countyside Cottage with A Glazed Facade and Generous View

Writers Cottage 2 9

It is a 2014 project of cottage owned by writers as the clients. Writers’ Cottage 2 is located in Oslo, Norway with 15 m², designed as an annex building by Jarmund / Vigsnæs Architects. This cottage sits in the garden of two professionals in a suburban residential area. It is a cottage in the countryside with a generous view that can be seen through the glazed facade.


Writers Cottage 2 1

Writers Cottage 2 2

Writers Cottage 2 3

It is a small annex that becomes a special space for the clients, allowing them to isolate themselves and to focus n their work and writing. At the same time, this cottage also offers a generous view of the beautiful surrounding landscape. The intention of the clients that this project will be used as an alternative to a cottage in the countryside area.



Writers Cottage 2 4

Writers Cottage 2 5

Writers Cottage 2 6

This cottage sits at the edge of a north-facing slope towards a railway station with dense shrubs on either side and below. The view is maximized by adding glass for the entire north-facing façade, providing ample natural light for the clients’ workspace.

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Writers Cottage 2 8

Writers Cottage 2 9

The desk is made out of glass completely to not obstruct the beautiful view. This way can make the cottage space seem lifted above the site landscape. This project also rises in height towards the south to reach above the neighbor’s hedge and also allows the direct warm sunlight to flor interior of the cottage space.



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Writers Cottage 2 11

In order to provide privacy and to avoid too much sunlight, the south elevation of the cottage is designed in a narrow form. The building shape is the result of the shift from the low and wide north elevation to the narrow and tall south elevation. The volumes of this cottage consist of a mezzanine and a reading chair that protrude from the cottage’s main volume.


Writers’ Cottage 2 Gallery


Photographer: Jonas Adolfsen

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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