Pharmacy in Koningsoord, Berkel-Enschot: A Largely Transparent Building with A Glass Facade

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Commissioned by Bouwaccent, Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten designs this pharmacy building on behalf of the municipality of Tilburg. Pharmacy in Koningsoord, Berkel-Enschot is a 2012 project located in the old monastery complex of the Trappistins. This building is designed as a largely transparent building to make the preparation and activities are easy to be seen from the outside.


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This pharmacy building is located next to an old crochet building, an annex of the monastery that has been changed into general practice. It is also positioned within the existing hook building’s wings and designed as a hook. The design can create a private courtyard between those two buildings.



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The glass facade of this pharmacy building contrasts with the monastery complex architecture. It is a largely transparent building that can show people all preparation and activities inside. This building is also a part of the large-scale developments around and in the Koningsoord monastery area.

Photographer: Michel Kievits

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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