Summer House in Štěchovice: A Summer House with A Multi-Level Arrangement

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Started in 2012 and completed in 2015, Summer House in Štěchovice is designed by Znameni Ctyr Architekti. This summer house is located in Masečín near Štěchovice, the Czech Republic with 180 m2 in size. It has a multi-level arrangement, sits among fields and forests.



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It is a warm summer house that sits beautifully among forests and fields. The site of the house is a long slope with long views, open space. This summer house is the only building, a cottage, that clings to this slope. The beautiful views of the hills and trees can be seen clearly from this house, providing a perfect place to stay and enjoy the natural landscape surrounds.



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The architect uses a multi-level arrangement theme to design this summer house, especially with its warm interior. The house itself has generous covered terraces, designed and dominated with wood materials. The floor of the house is also used as a prospect to deliver a comfortable atmosphere and create an attractive appearance just like a summer house in general.


Summer House in Štěchovice

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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