Austinmer Beach House: A Connected Family Home with Illawarra Escarpment and Surrounding Coastal

Austinmer Beach House 1

Alexander Symes Architect works together with Furio Valich of g+v architecture to design this home family. Austinmer Beach House is designed with a connection to its surrounding coastal and also Illawarra escarpment. The design also includes some world-leading sustainability initiatives for the house interior, home operation, and structure.


Austinmer Beach House 1

Austinmer Beach House 2

The design for Austinmer Beach House includes some world-leading sustainability initiatives such as a user guide of electronic home to help the family operating their home, a strategy of passive thermal comfort to avoid the need of AC, the use of low environmental impact and recycled materials, electricity generation and solar hot water to produce a dwelling energy positive.

Austinmer Beach House 3

Austinmer Beach House 4

The high-performance thermal envelope in this house includes high transparency glass to appreciate the house stunning surrounding views. The positive energy is exported back to the house grid. And for the children, the ecological leading devices consist of indigenous landscape and the water cycle.



Austinmer Beach House 5

Austinmer Beach House 6

This house is located in a beautiful coastal area and an awesome environment. The architect tries to connect this house with this beautiful area and environment, providing a more good balance for both the house and its surrounding nature. This connection also can offer a comfortable family house with a pleasant atmosphere for the family.

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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