Dog Salon in Oita: Combination of Residence and Dog Salon with A Symbolic Shape

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With a symbolic shape, Dog Salon in Oita comes as an interesting place for animal lovers. A combination of residence and dog salon can turn the building into a good sign for business. Designed by Horibe Associates, this dog salon is located on a long, thin lot surrounded by rice fields. It is not only a good place for a dog but also an interesting place for the dog’s owner.


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This dog salon located near to the main road and occupied the part of the building. It has a kitchen and bathrooms in the center of the building area, offering easy access from both the residence and the shop. The living and dining room are family’s relaxation spaces, located further towards the back area.



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From the shop entrance through the garden, the line of sight extends unbroken. The building space also feels larger than it seems. Both space and cost are kept by the architect with some features: plywood ceilings and concrete floors. The result of the use of materials and design for the building structure is a relaxed, open home.



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The interior of the building is natural and soft. The combination of white background, wooden ceiling, and wooden frame can create a beautiful look for the whole spaces. For the best service, complete facilities are offered and also designed to give the best services for all dogs. There is also a bed for the dog and the owner to relax while waiting.


Dog Salon in Oita

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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