Studio Vila Olimpia: A Compact Apartment with Flexible Living Spaces that Meet Tenant Needs

Studio Vila Olimpia 5

This tiny apartment is located in São Paulo, Brazil. With 27-square-meter of the total area, Tria Arquitetura can create some flexible living spaces in this compact apartment that meet the needs of the tenant. Studio Vila Olimpia now becomes one of the top apartments in Brazil that can be the best living place in an urban environment.


Studio Vila Olimpia 1

Studio Vila Olimpia 2

Sarah Bonnano, the founder of Tria Arquitetura, designs this apartment space that feels like a home, not a hotel room for the tenants. Her project team creates some distinct spaces with a different particular function for a living. This apartment is also extended, so a seven square meter of an area can be added easily.



Studio Vila Olimpia 3

Studio Vila Olimpia 4

A sleeping niche is made for the bed from a perforated concrete brick wall with a beautiful pattern. It will create defined environments, changing minimal privacy that a studio usually has. There is also a partition made from the glass to separate the bathroom behind the bed area in this awesome apartment.



Studio Vila Olimpia 5

Studio Vila Olimpia 6

The architect designs an inbuilt Formica wood structure to create some functions in the apartment areas and connecting them. The first structure can be seen in the sleeping area where it provides drawer space and table seating. The convenience in this apartment can be increased with this structure, even in small spaces.



Studio Vila Olimpia 7

Most of the furniture in this compact apartment is custom-made furniture designed based on small dimensions. Tria Arquitetura also chooses some colors combined with earthy tones that can enhance the space feeling and comfortable atmosphere. With space issues these days, this apartment can be a clever solution for the people who prefer to live in smaller living places.

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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