Apartamento Santos: Modern Living Place with Bright and Colorful Space Design

Apartamento Santos 7

Located in Sao Paulo, Apartamento Santos is a modern living place which is perfect for the residents who live in an urban area. This apartment has a bright and colorful interior designed by Tria Arquitetura. With a bright background, some colorful elements inside this apartment can be shown well. This apartment project is completed in 2018 and the picture of its result is captured awesomely by Alessandro Guimarães.


Apartamento Santos 1

Apartamento Santos 2

Apartamento Santos 3

The main goal is not only about designing an apartment that can provide a comfortable atmosphere for the residents but also offering a fun living place which is awesome to be seen. Some elements like furniture, decoration, and even the lighting come in a colorful look that can beautify the soft interior of this apartment space.



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Apartamento Santos 5

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Every room in this apartment has a main highlight which is different from each other. In the main space, the dining area, a small office space, and also the living room are placed into one with some colorful elements such as yellow office chair, orange lamp, an artistic art on the wall and also colorful sofa pillows. In the master bedroom, the leaf-patterned wallpaper can beautify the wall behind the bed.



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The entire wall in this apartment is painted in white except the concrete wall in the kitchen. With this white background, the apartment can have a colorful interior which is beautiful to be seen. They also use natural color from the wooden furniture to add a more natural look. In the bathroom, an adorable pink wall is combined with wooden storage and white tiles on the wall.



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In order to create a warm space, the wooden floor is applied to the entire floor of Apartamento Santos. The same wood material is also chosen to fill up the apartment space like a wooden dining table, chair, TV rack, and also bathroom storage. The use of tiles is more applied inside the bathroom, especially to design the bathroom walls.



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This apartment has ordinary furniture just like other apartments have. The difference can be seen in the color of the furniture. In the office area, the yellow chair is used to make it looks more interesting. While in the kitchen, the black stools with the long backside can catch all attentions who sees it directly.

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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