House HOD: A Large 1960s Bungalow with Contemporary Interior and Bright, Cheerful Undertone

House HOD 14

House HD is a 2014 project by Ippolito Fleitz group, located in Odenwald. It is a large 1960s bungalow owned by a family with two children. The architect redesigns it with a new contemporary interior and a bright, cheerful undertone. They also create rounded, soft and sensual forms for the interior atmosphere.


House HOD 1

House HOD 2

House HOD 3

House HOD 4

The contemporary interior in this large bungalow comes in a soft and comfortable atmosphere. The architect also adds some bright colors to the wall and add more colorful furniture, creating an undertone which is bright and cheerful.



House HOD 5

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House HOD 8

The floor in the terrazzo can connect the living areas inside House HD. This awesome floor also provides an interesting style for everyone who sees it. The contemporary interior looks more elegant with this glowing floor, even in the bathroom.



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House HOD 12

The bedroom looks darker than other rooms with its black wall. The kitchen and the living room has the same color accent with a yellow rug and a yellow wall. And in the dining area, the blue chairs look perfect with a beautiful long wooden table and some luxury lights above it.



House HOD 13

House HOD 14

House HOD 15

House HD is surrounded by expansive grounds which are beautiful. That’s why the architect designs a windowsill in the living room. It serves as a comfortable and cozy bench that can be used for the family to enjoy the beautiful landscape around the home.

Via ifgroup

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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