Bellevue Hill House: A Family Home with Luxury Interior and High Comfort Levels

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Bellevue Hill House is a family home with a luxury interior design and high comfort levels. Arent & Pyke offers some different comfort levels based on the needs of the family members of this house. The final result turns Bellevue Hill House into a true family home with all intimate and recreation spaces.


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The luxury interior in Bellevue Hill House is mostly bright with a light-filled style. Some rooms are designed differently with darker colors of furniture and decoration. The natural elements are also used to balance the luxury sense with the comfort levels.



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Furniture becomes an important element for the architect to create the luxury interior design. With bespoke elements, objects, rugs, and furnishings, Bellevue Hill House can be designed naturally and beautifully.



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The dining areas and lounge are framed with the warm rugs. All furniture in this house also features a combination of interesting form and luxurious comfort. The freedom of decoration in texture and color comes from the stone and timber which are soft and warm.



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The harmonious design flows beautifully through the luxury interior inside this house. The decoration, fireplace, cabinetry, objects, and arts can define the interior style clearly. Those things also soften the whole surface in every corner of the room, including the dining areas, bedrooms, and casual pool.

Via arentpyke

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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