Metropolitan Van and Storage: A Big Warehouse with Unusual Design Elements

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This 107,000-square-foot warehouse is located on a site near Napa County’s Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department buildings on a 6.25-acre high visibility. Metropolitan Van and Storage is designed by RMW Architecture & Interiors with some unusual design elements.


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The tight schedule of the client becomes a factor that makes the architect creates a higher level to design this building. This higher level design is required to provide the quick approval. The whole space is maximized, especially the floor interior.



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The floor plate is designed in a maximum style with an efficient use too. It becomes one of the priority to design the building because of the use of it as a place to store the deployed military personnel personal effects.



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The architect creates the elements to design the building, especially maximizing the interior space too. The elements can support the interior to make a visually interesting exterior facade. The wing walls are made from a tilted concrete and the use of foam banding can create a layer illusion to give a human scale.

Via rmw

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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