Commercial Pool: Two Big Swimming Pools Project in Serbia

Commercial Pool 1

Located in Serbia, this Commercial Pool project is designed by nparchitects. It is a two big swimming pools project in 2015 with 10 acres size of the site. The area of swimming pool itself takes 600-meters square. The awesome thing about Commercial Pool is not only about the pool but also about the facility area around it.


Commercial Pool 1

The swimming pools are divided into two different sizes. One pool is bigger than another one. The first large pool is designed with a small round area to relax when the visitor prefers to watch the view around the pool than swimming. The small one has three red mushroom fountains.



Commercial Pool 5

Commercial Pool 2

A pool surely will be perfect to be designed complete with some facilities. In this project, architects add some seating areas around the pool. The seat also comes with the big umbrellas, preventing the heat of sunlight.



Commercial Pool 3

It seems that the small pool is built as children play area. This pool has three red mushroom fountains that can be a fun thing to be played with when the children are swimming. Their parents can monitor them rightly from the seating area next to the pool.



Commercial Pool 4

Commercial Pool 6

The architect designs this Commercial Pool by considering the great view around the pools. With a lot of fresh trees around the pool, this project is built with an open area design. It will be perfect to swim and also enjoy an awesome view at the same time.

Via nparchitects

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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