Wanda Reign Wuhan: Luxury Hotel with Dynamic Cladding Made from Glass Triangles

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This 6-star hotel, 30-storey Wanda Reign Wuhan, was almost complete in 2012. It is a luxury hotel with a facade designed by Make Architects. The architect wants to show a lively building with angular frontage according to the traditional and modern architecture. The most interesting thing about Wanda Reign Wuhan is its dynamic cladding made from glass triangles.


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Wanda Reign Wuhan is located in Wuhan, China. This awesome luxury hotel is a combination of modern and traditional architecture. It becomes a visual counterpoint to the distinctive neighbor at the site location of Wuhan city.



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John Puttick from Made Architects gives an awesome design concept for this tall hotel. The facade of Wanda Reign Wuhan is about a ‘lens’ for every hotel to the city. With the detailed geometry, each hexagon is connected to each other to the guestroom.



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The glass triangles are used to design the dynamic cladding. With more than 902 hexagonal, the roof turns into a crown for this hotel building. The hexagon itself is made from reflective aluminum and angled to make a 3D style. It will protect the rooms from the solar.


Cultural Destination

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A major masterplan is made for the city around this hotel. It is the part of the Wuhan Central Cultural District development. Soon, this hotel will be a new landmark in Wuhan. It will also become a world-class cultural destination in China.

Via makearchitects

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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