Beach Pavilion: A Brand New Sports Pavilion for The Hague Beach Stadium

Beach Pavilion 6

A development of a pavilion for the Hague Beach Stadium has been completed in 2016. Beach Pavilion is located on the Scheveningen beach. Bloot Architecture and Architectenbureau Filip Mens worked together to design this brand new sports pavilion. Beach Pavilion consists of some best facilities for sports such as group facilities, yoga studio, and fitness school.


Beach Pavilion 1

Beach Pavilion 2

The Hague Beach Stadium is a meeting place for the people and clubs who want to play some sports on the beach. The sports are kind of world-class sports and you will be trained by world-class players too. Besides the beach volleyball, you can try other beach sports too.



Beach Pavilion 3

This pavilion will provide you some good spaces to do beach sports. You can’t play the beach volleyball only, you can also play beach football, frisbee, fitness, and even yoga. You have more beach sports to do in this pavilion.



Beach Pavilion 4

Beach Pavilion 5

Just like other beach tents, this Beach Pavilion is demountable and temporary building. The building can be disassembled and also stored again. It will be a new best home of The Hague Beach Stadium for the next three years.



Beach Pavilion 6

Beach Pavilion 7

The demountable construction is usually can be read and seen in the building facade. The facade is covered by wooden slats. This wooden facade makes the pavilion feels warm and also ensure that a clear and good play for both closed and open.

Via bloota

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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