Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges and Trails: Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 6

The Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges and Trails is located in Houston, Texas. Built by SWA Group, the size of the bridge is 784 linear feet (239 meters) x 11’8” wide; Trails: 5,167 linear feet (1,575 meters) x 10’ wide. The bridges and trails layer pedestrian infrastructure onto the Buffalo Bayou corridor. The structure also plays an important role to realize the larger vision of a more accessible Houston.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges and Trails

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 9

Buffalo Bayou is one of the important natural bayou corridors that runs through downtown Houston. It is cut off from adjacent neighborhoods by major thoroughfares and expressways.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 8

In light of this project, SWA intended to connect the neighborhood’s north and south of the corridor to the bayou and along the bayou itself.

Provide Accessibility and Tree-Top Views

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 7

The design took advantage of existing topography to leap across the roadways. Sinuous ramps offer accessibility and tree-top views of Buffalo Bayou and downtown.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 6

The design connects both sides of the Bayou with the street grids on Allen Parkway and Memorial Drive, offering access to the 200-acre Buffalo Bayou greenery.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 5

The bridge attracts the visitors to the bayou along a continuous ramped surface that fulfill ADA requirements concerning universal accessibility.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 4

Due to this, a subtle and elegant pathway was created, allowing the visitors to experience the bayou from different points of view.

Iconic Photo Opportunity

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 3

The 3.6576-meter wide bridge along with its 239-meter length is supported by a weathering steel truss by which supports the concrete deck. LED light fixtures were installed in the bridge deck.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 2

The fixtures were also integrated into the guardrail system of the bridge, allowing safe use and access even during the night.

Rosemont Pedestrian Bridges And Trails Layer Pedestrian Infrastructure Onto Buffalo Bayou Corridor 1

Moreover, the bridge and trails have become a preferred destination for pedestrians and bicyclists as well as an iconic photo opportunity for images of downtown Houston.

Via SWA Group

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Alana Groom

Alana Groom

Total posts created: 798
“An idea is salvation by imagination.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

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