Shenzhen Bay: A Large Bay Restored as An Ecological Resource Site

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Located in Guangdong, China, Shenzhen Bay is a large bay in Shenzhen city. The city has transformed into a booming city from a small fishing town. It has grown since 1980 over 200 times from its original city size. Today, the Shenzhen Bay is restored as an ecological resource site. It provides an awesome area for the people with the best facilities, like picnic sites, playfields, and more.


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The characteristic of Shenzhen Bay has transformed radically along the way. More than 65 km square of the shallow bay and marsh are filled. The purpose is about creating more land around the site for  Shenzhen citizens.



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The landfill of Shenzhen Bay operates all things on the site but it obliterates the salt marsh shoreline and the native mangrove. This way will make the bay rich of coastal and intertidal wildlife habitat naturally around the bay.


Partnership Project

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SWA’s Shenzhen Bay Coast Master Plan is in a partnership with the local clients for this bay project. The result will restore the marsh habitat and mangrove coastline, deepen the Shenzhen Bay to reverse the siltation. It will also design a public access to the naturalized features.



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Besides the coastal restoration, Shenzhen Bay is also designed with new facilities based on the new urban population demands. The Master Plan of this bay proposes recreational park, including an aquatic center, playfields, a ferry landing, concessions, picnic sites, and some attractions.


New Residential

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In the end, a new residential of the community will extend from the existing street grid around the bay. It offers a connection for the pedestrian to the recreation spaces and the restored coastline. With over 10 million people in 40 years, this city will surely grow faster every year.

Via swagroup

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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