Griggs Park: Dallas’ First Park Redevelopment with A Complete Renovation

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Griggs Park is the first dedicated park to an African American in Dallas established in the 1940s. It develops into a significant athletic park until the 1970s. The open space of Griggs Park is not already paced with the art and culture of the neighborhood around it. The park redevelopment with a complete renovation creates a new design with urban uses changes reflection.


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The new design of Griggs Park shows the changes in urban uses around the park. It is also designed with the now-vibrant neighborhood. The first and second design phases provide a complete renovation with into the neighborhood park.



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Redevelopment of Griggs Park provides some new facilities for the people around the park. This park now offers pathways, landforms, and also gathering spots. The tree plantings are done to give a green and fresh atmosphere into this park.


Master Plan

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Griggs Park is designed with a master plan that uses a mature strand of trees and the existing soil. The purpose is about creating a primary design to the park and saving the remaining park essentials, like play areas, irrigation, lighting, walks, and also the seating spots. People can visit this park to walk with their dog, exercising, or just walk around with friends and family.


Athletic Park

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The park’s namesake comes from the Reverend Allen R. Griggs. Besides the new design with a purpose of updating its important historical space, Griggs Park also gives a new athletic space for the people to be more active outdoors. Even when night comes, this park also becomes a perfect and beautiful place to spend a free time.

Via swagroup

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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