Las Vegas City Hall: A New Environmentally Conscious Design with Photovoltaic Forest

Las Vegas City Hall 6

A new environmentally conscious design has been built in emerging downtown of Las Vegas with photovoltaic trees called Las Vegas City Hall. SWA as the architect wants to show the entrances plazas, leach fields, landscaped infiltration, and a perimeter streetscape in a full city block of Las Vegas. The main design is about landscape architecture with a photovoltaic forest for a sun-drenched site.

Key Garden Space

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The key garden space is designed by SWA on the second-floor terraces of the building for the employees. They can have an awesome opportunity to enjoy a private open area all day. This garden is also available for the public to enjoy the view in the evening.


Sun FacingArchitecture

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Las Vegas City Hall 3

The climate sensitive plantings are supported with the sun facing architecture design. On each side of the main entry plaza area is the place for the solar energy technology to supply the photovoltaic “trees” and connecting them together with the garden.


Photovoltaic “Trees”

Las Vegas City Hall 4

Las Vegas City Hall 2

The photovoltaic “trees” can be found on almost every side of the main entry plaza area at the Las Vegas City Hall. Those trees are not only making the hall area looks awesome but also giving a fresh air to all people who visit the site area.


Public Demonstration

Las Vegas City Hall 5

The environmentally sensitive vegetation and the photovoltaic trees are combined to make a public demonstration to the people in Las Vegas. This demonstration is about a green sustainable energy source for the desert climate.


Environmentally Conscious Project

Las Vegas City Hall 6

Las Vegas City Hall can be called as an environmentally conscious project too. This project is not only serving the people an open space with green trees but also giving a good example for the big city to have a better energy source. Hopefully, this project can show them how important the environment around their living place is.

Via swagroup

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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