East Side Penthouse: Contemporary Penthouse with Pop Art Collection

East Side Penthouse 7

East Side Penthouse is 2002 project of 1100 Architect which is located on Manhattan’s East Side. This ornamental and traditional space has been transformed by the architect into a contemporary house. The penthouse is also designed with a modern taste based on the client’s wish. Some Pop Art Collection of the client decorates this penthouse awesomely, including the works by Roy Lichtenstein and Bridget Riley.

Main Living Space

East Side Penthouse 1

The awesome view of the East River can be seen from the main living space. This space is also decorated with a unique furniture layout which is inspired by some conversation pits. These conversation pits are so popular in the 1960s and 1970s.


Basic Geometric Shapes

East Side Penthouse 6

East Side Penthouse 2

The space of East Side Penthouse is full of some basic geometric shapes which are repeated on all spaces. These shapes create art simple forms. The light and modern environment come from the glass, stainless steel, lacquer, and hard polished surfaces-marble.



East Side Penthouse 3

The bedroom of East Side Penthouse is a super white room. The white color is fulling the interior with the wall, bed, furniture, lights, and even the rug. The blue windows in the bedroom offer another beautiful view of the East River.


Kitchen and Dining Area

East Side Penthouse 4

East Side Penthouse has a kitchen and dining area in one same space. This area is the combination of white furniture and stainless steel. The stainless steel material can be seen clearly in the kitchen on the cabinet and the kitchen island. The dining area is decorated with white chairs and a tulip table.


Pop Art Collection

East Side Penthouse 5

East Side Penthouse has been designed well to give the best space for the client’s Pop Art Collection. Wall is the main area to put the Pop Art collection that includes the works by some great artists such as Roy Lichtenstein, Bridget Riley, and Andy Warhol.


Modern Environment

East Side Penthouse 7

At first, East Side Penthouse is an ornamental and traditional space. The architect doesn’t only transform it into a contemporary penthouse but also create a modern environment for the client. The client wants to taste a modern atmosphere inside a contemporary penthouse.

Via 1100architect

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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