Cheil Hong Kong: A Generous Studio-Like Workspace

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A new office space has been completed by Bean Buro called Cheil Hong Kong. This office space has 25.000 square feet in large inside the creative company Cheil in Sheung Wan. Bean Buro as the design team created a generous studio-like workspace to show the company’s creative culture through the architecture. The result makes the staff can feel the awesome connection and interaction inside the space.


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Cheil Hong Kong has the best furniture ever. Most of the furniture comes in a bold color like black and natural element like wooden furniture. Those types of furniture also become the key to creativity to design and decor the workspace interior style.

Main Concept

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The main concept of Cheil Hong Kong design is creating a workspace with a continuous ribbon-like joinery system which is linking all of the departments in one workspace together. This main concept also creates a good collaboration between one area to another area.


Variety of Functions

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The ribbon joinery system in Cheil Hong Kong offers a lot of variety of functions. It includes the in-wall seats for informal meetings, low storage shelves, and also shared work surfaces. The shared work surfaces are insulated between bar and desktop heights.


Relaxed Atmosphere

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The workspace of Cheil Hong Kong offers a relaxed atmosphere to support the creativity of the staff. It allows them to feel just like at home while they are working. With the comfy lounge with a fireplace, the staff can gather to discuss everything.


Curvy Conference Tables

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Curvy conference tables are also the unique thing that you can find in Cheil Hong Kong space. These table designs are made to break down the traditional corporate conference room atmosphere. The tables also can be re-arranged to different scenarios based on the needs.


Comfortable Feels

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The whole interior design of Cheil Hong Kong will give the office staff some holistic feels. These feels are not only supported by the main concept but also supported by the things inside the space, like the furniture, the wooden floor design, and also the lighting design.


Personal Environment

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Cheil Hong Kong design provides the staff to personalize their own workspace environment as they wish. Every staff has their own taste of comfortable office area. It works to increase their ideas and creativity in working.

Via beanburo

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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