4 Pointers You Need to Know About Roof Restoration

Aerial Photo Of Brown 3-story House

Is it time for your seasonal roof maintenance? Have you decided to outsource this hefty task as you have noticed a few missing tiles?

For many Australians, the simplest way to do seasonal roofing maintenance is to invest in the roof restoration Melbourne contractors offer. Not sure exactly what this covers and if it’s what you need? Keep reading to find out.

Understanding Roof Restoration

First off, it’s essential to know that roof restoration is an umbrella term that covers a range of repairs and upgrades. These are all designed to improve the quality and lifespan of your roof.

Doing the necessary repairs is not only more considerably cost-effective than a full roof replacement but will ensure that your roof continues to keep your home safe and dry. We’ve compiled a few pointers about roof restoration that will provide a clearer picture of what the process involves.

1.      Covers a Range of Different Repairs

If your roof hasn’t had a professional overhaul in the last 10 to 20 years, it may be a good idea to invest in a roof restoration. Typically, the process starts with a concise inspection of the roof, gutters, and exterior walls.

This will give the roofing contractor an idea of the type of restoration needed. The most common services on offer include the following:

  • General roof repairs
  • Replacement of broken tiles
  • Re-cementing
  • Roof sealing
  • Gutter replacement
  • Roof painting
  • Roof cleaning and de-mossing
  • Timber fascia or eaves repairs

2.      Adds to the Lifespan of Your Roof

How long a roof restoration lasts will depend on two major factors. The first is the current condition of your roof and the second is the quality and regularity of the maintenance work that’s done after the restoration.

In general, roof restoration will on average, add an extra 10 to 15 years to the life of your roof. For many homeowners, it’s an affordable solution between constantly fixing minor repairs and having an extensive roof replacement.

3.      Several Benefits to Look Forward to

A comprehensive roof restoration process has many benefits. The most significant of these include the following:

  • Eliminate roof-related water damage: Repairing loose tiles, cracks, or gaps on your roof will keep water out, reducing the likelihood of water damage.
  • Keeps pests out: Broken fascia boards and loose tiles also keep pests such as rats from moving into your roof space and gaining entry into your home.
  • Prevents roof decay: A roof that doesn’t get maintained often combined with seasonal elements such as rain and snow will see a buildup of mud, leaves, grime and moisture. All these factors contribute to the decay of your roof’s various components. This can lead to corrosion, rust, and mould. Your roofing contractor will use high-pressure cleaning, repairs, and full roof painting to repair and reduce additional decay.
  • Helps you maintain your insurance coverage: Homeowners will know that several criteria need to be met to keep your insurance coverage current. One of these is that your roof doesn’t have any damage that could result in water damage to the rest of the house. Professional roof restoration is an excellent way to do this and have documented proof that it’s been done.
  • Maintains or increases the value of your home: No matter how wonderful the rest of your home is, a potential buyer will instantly lose interest if your roof looks dated, damaged, or exhibits clear signs of water damage. Keeping your roof maintenance up to date will increase your overall property value, especially if a paint job is on the list of things to do.
  • Work is done by professionals: There are many aspects around the home, and on your roof that any avid DIYer can successfully do. However, some jobs require experts with the right tools and components to ensure that the repair lasts longer than a season. Take the stress out of having to do the repairs every season by getting an expert to do it for you. Instead of opting for a few small repairs, ask for a complete restoration. That way you’re sure that old problems are fixed with modern, more reliable solutions.

4.      Quick Process

If you’re getting ready to attempt your own restoring process, you may need to plan to spend several days up there. Especially if you’re doing repairs and painting. Avoid this by enlisting the experts to do it for you.

A roofing team can easily have your roof restored between three and seven days. Extensive repairs may require an additional day or two. More than one person doing the repairs will ensure that several jobs are done at once.

Final Thoughts

If roof maintenance isn’t really something you’re looking forward to this summer, it’s a good idea to start budgeting for a team of professionals to do it for you. Rather than repairing the same minor issues every season, have experts repair the problem properly.

In addition to that, the roof restoration process will also identify any potential problems before they happen. Roof maintenance has never been easier!

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2466
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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