Organic House: A Unique House Built in Caves without Modified Environment

Organic House 3

Javier Senosiain from Arquitectura Orgánica has a unique residential project called Organic House. Located in Naucalpan, Mexico, this unique house is built in caves without modifying the caves’ environment. Creating surroundings similar to the maternal cloister is the aim of this project.

Creating a space suited to human beings is the main idea of this house creation. This house is built and adapted to human beings’ environmental, physical, and psychological needs. This project is also about considering their historical background and natural origins.

The goal of Organic House is to create surroundings similar to the maternal cloister, to those of early humans or to the refuges of animals, by using caves without modifying the environment. The design of this house is comprehensive, ample, continuous, and concave like the arms of a mother cradling her child.

Organic House

Organic House 1

Organic House 2

Organic House 3

Organic House 4

The spaces inside these caves whose changing lights and forms are adapted to the inhabitants’ natural rhythms. The furnishings are integrated with the surroundings, maximizing the available area and providing circulation as well.

Images Source: Arquitectura Orgánica

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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