10 Sustainable Building Designs That Are Ecological And Also Save Your Environment

Solar Panel On Field By Buildings In City

You may find a lot of public buildings made with a sustainable design these days. It is a popular design that uses some principles to avoid creating any harmful impact on the environment.

A sustainable design is about improving building performance by providing a healthier and cozier place for its occupants and reducing negative impacts on the surrounding environment as well. The basic concept of this design is to minimize waste, create a healthy environment, and reduce the use of non-renewable resources.

Today, there are a lot of public buildings built with this sustainable design such as office, hotel, and library buildings. Even now many architects and designers also use sustainable design to build a sustainable home for their clients.

If you are curious about the look of a sustainable building, check out the sustainable building designs that are ecological below.

1. Lanserhof Lans by Ingenhoven Architects

Lanserhof Lans 5

The first sustainable building design that is ecological can be seen in this refurbishment project. Lanserhof Lans by Ingenhoven Architects is located in Austria and designed with a sustainable concept. The main highlight is the facade made of red cedar wood.

Photographer: H.G. Esch


2. Hotel Landgoed Huize Bergen Vught by Jeanne Dekkers Architectuur and ZOETMULDER

Hotel Landgoed Huize Bergen Vught 1

Hotel Landgoed Huize Bergen Vught by Jeanne Dekkers Architectuur and ZOETMULDER is also built with a sustainable building design that is ecological. It is a sustainable hotel building with a strong connection to nature. A combination of color and material makes this hotel inviting as well.

Image Source: Jeanne Dekkers Architectuur


3. Terascale Simulation Facility by RMW Architecture & Interiors

Teraslace Simulation Facility An Leed Gold Certified Research Building Applying Flexible And Sustainable Design 6

Terascale Simulation Facility by RMW Architecture & Interiors is built with a sustainable building design that is ecological, beautiful, and flexible. It is a LEED gold-certified research building that is functioned as an office and research space for more than 300 scientists.

Image Source: RMW Architecture & Interiors


4. Novato Civic Center City Administrative Office Building by RMW Architecture & Interiors

Novato Civic Center Cuty Administrative Office Building A Sustainable Office Building In Novatos Historic Site 16

It is a modern, sustainable office building built with a sustainable building design that is ecological. Novato Civic Center City Administrative Office Building by RMW Architecture & Interiors becomes an ideal place to house and consolidate the office’s administrative staff.

Photographer: Michael O’Callahan


5. Tuckers Point Club Hotel & Spa by SWA Group

Tuckers Point Club Hotel & Spa A Luxurious And Sustainable Caribbean Resort In Harrington Sound 3

A sustainable building design that is ecological also can be seen in Tuckers Point Club Hotel & Spa by SWA Group. It is a luxurious and sustainable resort in the Caribbean that occupies 15.5-acre land. The design not only can save the environment around the hotel but also provides a cozy and healthy space for the guests.

Image Source: SWA Group


6. Hotel Verde by Arcedior and Interior Designer JJ Poonawala

Hotel Verde 53

Thanks to the sustainable building design that is ecological, Hotel Verde by Arcedior and Interior Designer JJ Poonawala becomes the most eco-friendly luxury property in Tanzania. Inside, this hotel is completed with custom design and specially created furnishing products.

Image Source: Arcedior


7. Herman Teirlinck Building by Neutelings Riedijk Architects and CONIX RDBM Architects

Herman Teirlinck Building 3

In Belgium, there is a unique building with a sustainable building design called Herman Teirlinck Building. Designed by Neutelings Riedijk Architects and CONIX RDBM Architects, it is a multifunctional building that has awesome common functions that are connected via a covered interior street.

Photographers: Filip Dujardin and Giulia Frigerio


8. Cambridge Mosque by Marks Barfield Architects

Cambridge Mosque 21

Cambridge Mosque by Marks Barfield Architects is the first green mosque in the UK. It has a sustainable building design that is ecological, completed with an awesome timber structure. The concept of this building is to create a calm oasis within a grove of trees.

Photography: Morley von Sternberg


9. Gare Maritime by Neutelings Riedijk Architects


Gare Maritime 5

Gare Maritime by Neutelings Riedijk Architects is an awesome example of a sustainable and circular design that is entirely constructed in wood. It is a mixed program of shopping and working with a lot of public space in Brussels.

Photography: Filip Dujardin / Sarah Blee / Tim Fisher


10. Besix Dordrecht Offices by RoosRos Architecten

Besix Dordrecht Offices 14

The last sustainable building design that is ecological can be found in Besix Dordrecht Offices by RoosRos Architecten. It is a rugged and distinctive construction project of an office building for a multidisciplinary construction company.

Photographer: Luuk Kramer

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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