These Tips Will Help You Get The Excellent Lighting For Your Home

Lovely large kitchen with a large window

Have you ever wondered why everything in the movies looks cool? Even the grungy punk bathrooms where the characters do illegal things? It’s the lighting. Cinematographers work with grips and other professionals to create lighting that makes everything look its best. With that in mind, the following will explore a few tips and tricks that can help you improve the lighting of your home. Changing up the quality of light in your space can dramatically make over your entire home. It can also positively influence how you feel within the space.

Natural Light Is King

First and foremost, you need to know that natural light is the most important source of light in your home. During the daytime, your windows should be letting in that vitamin D-rich light. Natural light reduces depression, anxiety, and stress. It also provides a vitamin that is vital for your immune system’s function.

This means you want to work with window coverings that can be opened completely to let in the light. If you have small windows or very few windows, you might want to speak with a window replacement company to see what options are available. It is essential that you do not spend your daily time in a room without windows. Yes, the bathroom is okay, but both at work and at home, you need to be near natural lighting for the majority of your day. Humans have evolved over thousands of years, with natural light as a key ingredient in their well-being.

While you’re at it, take the time to clean your windows. Grime builds up pretty quickly on windows meaning there might be a layer of film or gunk that is minimizing the light coming through your windows.

Maximize Natural Lighting

Now that you’ve tackled the window situation, it’s time to do what you can with interior design to maximize this lighting. Placing a mirror opposite a window is one of the easiest ways to fill your space with more light. The light reflects and bounces around your space. You can also hang suncatchers in your windows. These little items can refract light, often leaving beautiful rainbows or scatterings of light patterns around your home.

Bright modern living room interior in neutral colors with armchairs

Change Your Lightbulbs

When it comes to artificial lighting, you want to first change the lightbulbs that you currently have. Whether you’re aware of it or not, lightbulbs come in many different shades, and this can drastically impact the mood of your space. Brighter, whiter bulbs can help things feel fresh and clean, but if you go too white, things can end up feeling cold and clinical. Warmer-toned lights can cultivate feelings of coziness and warmth, but if you go too warm, things can feel reddish or dim. Finding the perfect balance for your space might take a moment, but you’ll be shocked by the results. As a bonus, you can seek out energy-efficient bulbs. These can save you a pretty penny on your utility bill each month, helping contribute to a comfortable financial situation.

While you’re changing your bulbs, take the time to wash your lighting fixtures. Dust, bugs, and all manner of things can build up, and this can mean your light is being filtered by grossness, resulting in less light in your space.

If you live somewhere where light seems to dissipate in the winter, you might want to consider growing lightbulbs in some of your lights near your plants. These bulbs look the same as regular light bulbs but provide higher-quality light and can help keep your plants thriving during the colder, darker months.

Interior lighting

Fill In The Blanks

Once the above is done, take the scope of your space. Are there any dark corners? Are there areas where the light is inconsistent? Seek out lamps or other lighting fixtures that can help fill in any gaps in your lighting. Pay attention to the height of lights, particularly around mirrors that you use to get ready. Some lighting heights are incredibly flattering, while others leave you wondering how you suddenly aged fifteen years overnight.

Install Dimmers

If you want to take things to the next level, you might want to consider installing dimmer switches in place of your regular light switches. This allows you to alter the strength of your lights depending on your mood or the time of day.

The above information should help you cultivate high-quality light in your home. Good lighting can make everything more beautiful (even people) and can help improve the mood of everyone inside. Again, it is incredibly unhealthy to go without natural light for an extended period of time. Because of this, you want to make sure that natural light is a big component of your approach to lighting.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2438
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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