7 Steps To Take If You Ever Get Locked Out Of Your Home

Open the modern wooden door with metal door handles lock to see outside nature view (Outdoors).

A lockout can pose a serious problem if you don’t have a spare key. Especially in the winter, being locked out of your home can be extremely cold and dangerous. Trying to get back in can be a real hassle, and even if you manage to get back in, you may have caused damage to your door or lock. To avoid all of this, it’s best to be prepared and know what to do if you ever find yourself locked out of your home.

1. Ask For Help

People often hesitate to ask for help, either because they feel they should be able to do it themselves or because they are embarrassed. However, there is no shame in admitting that you need assistance and asking for help when you need it. Doing so can make you look stronger and more capable.

Asking for help also has other benefits. For one thing, it can show that you are a team player and willing to work with others to achieve a common goal. It can also build relationships and create trust. People will be more likely to help you in the future if they know you are willing to ask for help when needed.

2. Call a Locksmith

When locked out of your home, your first instinct may be to try to force your way in. However, this can cause damage to your door or lock and may even be dangerous. It’s a much better idea to call a home lockout locksmith service in Sydney if you’re in Australia and find yourself in this situation. Locksmiths have the tools and expertise to get you back into your home quickly and safely.

Installation of a lock on the front wooden entrance door. Portrait of young locksmith workman

Plus, locksmiths are often able to open doors without causing any damage at all. This is especially important if you live in a rental property or your home has special security features that require a professional to deal with.

3. Look for Unlocked Windows or Doors

The next best bet is to look for an unlocked window. This may require some creativity on your part, but it’s often possible to enter your home through an unlocked window-you have to be resourceful. Here are a few tips for finding unlocked windows and doors:

  • Check the front and back entrances of your home first. Chances are, someone may have left one of the doors unlocked.
  • Look for slightly open windows. You may be able to push them open further and get into your home that way.
  • Check the garage door. Many people forget to close the garage door when they leave home, which leaves their house vulnerable to theft.

4. Use a Credit Card

If you find yourself locked out and there are no unlocked windows or doors, your next best bet is to try using a credit card. This method is often used in movies and TV shows, but it can work in real life, too.

To use a credit card, insert the card into the space between the door and the frame. Then, apply pressure to the card and push it down. This will create enough space to slide the card further and wedge it open. You may need to jiggle the handle a bit to get it open all the way, but once you do, you’ll be able to walk right in.

5. Check the Basement or Attic

If you still can’t get into your home, your next best bet is to check the basement or attic. Many people forget that they have an alternate entrance to their home and end up locked out. If this is the case, enter through the basement or attic and make your way to the main floor.

The basement or attic door is often left unlocked because people don’t think to lock it. If this is the case, turn the knob and walk right in. If the door is locked, you may be able to pick the lock with a hairpin or other small object.

6. Use a Knife to Open the Lock

If all else fails, you can try using a knife to open the lock. This should only be done as a last resort, as it can damage your door or lock. To do this, insert the blade of the knife into the space between the door and the frame. Then, apply pressure to the handle and push down.

Insert the card or knife into the space between the door and the frame. Then, apply pressure to the knife and push it down. This will create enough space to slide the knife further and wedge it open. You may need to jiggle the handle a bit to get it open all the way, but once you do, you’ll be able to walk right in.

7. Improvise Tools to Pick the Lock

If you can’t find anything to help you pick the lock, you can always improvise and use whatever you have on hand. For instance, if you have a bobby pin, hairpin, or paperclip, you can use that to try and pick the lock.

First, straighten out the bobby pin or hairpin, so it’s one long piece of metal. Then, insert it into the lock and bend it so that it’s at a 90-degree angle. Next, use your other hand to twist the bobby pin or hairpin until you feel it catch on something. Once it catches, keep turning until you hear a click and the door opens.

With a paperclip, the process is similar:

  • Straighten the paperclip so it’s one long piece of metal.
  • Insert it into the lock and bend it so that it’s at a 90-degree angle.
  • Use your other hand to twist the paperclip until you feel it catch on something.

Once it catches, keep turning until you hear a click and the door opens.

Being locked out of your home can be a real pain, but luckily, there are things you can do to get back in. Be sure to try all of the methods listed above before you call a locksmith, as they may be able to help you get into your home without causing any damage. So, if you ever find yourself locked out of your home, don’t panic. These seven steps will help you get back in no time.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2466
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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