10 Home Exterior Designs with Timber That’s so Biophilic

Modern Nursing Home Exterior

Timber is one of the best materials for your home. It is easy to work with, cost-effective, versatile, and also anti-corrosive. Timber is also a good choice to create a natural and stylish look for your home exterior.

Below are 10 home exterior designs with timber that is so biophilic to inspire you.

1. Gordon’s Bay House by Madeleine Blanchfield Architects

Gordon's Bay House 2

Gordon’s Bay House by Madeleine Blanchfield Architects has an awesome home exterior design with timber which is perfect for a modern look. Concrete and stained timber are combined to create a stylish home exterior.

Photographer: Robert Walsh


2. Highridge House by Splyce Design

Highridge House 5

A stunning home exterior design with timber also can be found in Highridge House by Splyce Design. It is a new house that uses vertical timbers to beautify its exterior part, paired with a long concrete wall.

Photographer: Sama Jim Canzian


3. Crest House by Make Architects

Crest House 6

If you want to create a warm look, this amazing home exterior design with timber is perfect for you. Crest House by Make Architects is a warm family bach with soft concrete and timber finishes. With a lot of large glass walls, the views outside can be seen inside.

Photographer: David Straight


4. Caretaker’s House by Invisible Studio

Caretakers House Hookie Park A One Story Home Constructed Of Local Timber 8

This eye-catching home exterior design with timber is perfect for you who want to have something different for your home exterior. Caretaker’s House by Invisible Studio is one-storey home constructed of local timber.

Photography: Valerie Bennett, Piers Taylor, Birgitta Drejer


5. Timber House by Crossboundaries and Partners

Timber House 8

Designed as a single-family home, Timber House by Crossboundaries and Partners uses timber as its main material to achieve the main goal of the project: creating a monolithic timber volume house.

Photographer: Antje Voigt, Rainer Drexel


6. KL House by SCDA Architects

KL House 2

This home exterior design with timber is perfect for your modern home. KL House by SCDA Architects uses timber panels lining the windows to create a decorative look. Combined with glass and concrete, the exterior of this home looks awesome.

Photography: SCDA Architects


7. Infinity House by CplusC Architectural Workshop

Infinity House 13

Infinity House by CplusC Architectural Workshop is a beach house that has a stunning home exterior design with timber. There is a timber screening that can shade the living areas of the house to provide privacy.

Photographer: Murray Fredericks


8. Zonnebries by Strachan Group Architects

Zonnebries 1

Zonnebries by Strachan Group Architects is a long-term home for a growing family with an amazing home exterior design. In this house, corrugated metal roofing and dark stained timber weatherboards are contrasted with shade structures and white-washed timber details.

Photographer: Simon Devitt


9. Nikau House by Strachan Group Architects

Nikau House 12

Designed as a serene, quiet urban retreat, Nikau House by Strachan Group Architects offers a comfortable living place. The awesome home exterior design with timber in this house is about creating a pretty and natural exterior look with the aesthetic timber material.

Photographer: Jackie Meiring


10. 2Y House by Sebastián Irarrázaval

2Y House 18

Timber is the main material chosen for the structure of 2Y House by Sebastián Irarrázaval. This material is not only a local material easily found on the site of the house but also the best material that can resemble the infinity sense of the surrounding forests.

Photographer: Felipe Díaz Contardo

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3150
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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