St Andrews ADU And Main House Addition 4

St. Andrews ADU and Main House Addition: A Modern Accessory Dwelling Unit with A Wood siding

This modern Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is located in Hancock Park, a historic residential enclave in central Los Angeles, USA. Designed by Assembledge+, St. Andrews ADU and Main House Addition is a 2-storey building that sits in the rear yard of the property. The interesting part of this modern house is its exterior that clad with vertical wood siding.

Berkley House 2

Berkley House: A Two-Level Family House with Californian-Style Atmosphere

Completed in 2019 by Rafael Santa Ana Architecture Workshop Inc. (RSAAW), Berkley House is a mid-century interior renovation of a two-level family house. Located in North Vancouver BC, Canada, it is an awesome project that taking a tired inefficient house with good bones to a contemporary home. The Californian-style atmosphere is preserved and enhanced based on the wish of the family.

Phelps Residence 5

Phelps Residence: A Regional Mid-Century House with A Two-Story Stucco Façade Structure

Phelps Residence is designed by Assembledge+, a remodel project of a regional mid-century house located steps from the waterways of Huntington Harbor, California, USA. With 3,537 SF in size, this residence is transformed into a modern house a two-story stucco façade structure. This renovation can honor the mid-century bones of the existing structure of the house.

Troll Hus 6

Troll Hus: A Single-Family Residence with Glazed Balconies and Open Plan Configuration

The winner of some awards in different categories, Troll Hus is a 3,300sf single-family residence designed by Mork Ulnes Architects. Located in Norden, California, this residence is completed in 2015 and surrounded by extreme environmental conditions. Glazed south-facing balconies are designed to maximize solar exposure while an open plan configuration is added to the main living space.