Family House In Uherské Hradiště Mařatice 6

Family House in Uherské Hradiště, Mařatice: A Family House with Relationship and Mutual Perception of External and Internal Space

The house bearing structure consists of brick blocks and a ceiling above the ground floor is reinforced concrete located above the wooden floor. This family house is insulated with mineral wool and smooth plaster while the windows are made of glued wooden profiles. The interior floors of the house are made of terrazzo or oak, wall tiles and doors are made of walnut veneer, terrace of larch.

Family House In Vsetín Rokytnice II 3

Family House in Vsetín, Rokytnice II: A Family House with A Combination of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Construction

This family house is built based on a combination of reinforced concrete and masonry construction. Its lower floor is reinforced and also resists soil pressure while the ceilings are monolithic. The building uniform skin is ensured by the sandwich construction with the white sand-lime brick and the windows are oak, as same as the staircases and floors. A larch floor can be found on the terrace area.