Schaefer Branch Library: A Gateway into San Antonio
The library functions as a landmark for the local community as well as a gateway into San Antonio for those who travel into town via Highway 87.
The library functions as a landmark for the local community as well as a gateway into San Antonio for those who travel into town via Highway 87.
Maple Street School has a simple and spare material palette. Doors, maple flooring, and the furniture gives a warm and inviting color palette to the school interior. Bright color touches at some spaces will add the visual interest for everyone who sees it.
The first phase of this project was to renovate an early 19th-century building which was badly damaged during the liberation of Normandy in 1942.
Every added element, such as scent, technology, meeting facility, furniture, refreshment, and music, has been crafted with that goal in mind.
With the large and clear glass wall, everyone can enjoy the view of beautiful the Spaarne river. The glass wall can be found along the wall near the stair.
The building itself was previously known as an old town hall on the Place de l’Europe, connected to the St. Melaine church and parish house which was built in the early 19th century by a local architect named Arthur Regnault.
Far from the busy lifestyle in the city, the apartment’s entrance has a semi-enclosed foyer which acts as the threshold between the outside and the inside.
Overall, the design of the Maison-Tour brings out the architectural purism as the result of the simplest spatial compositions.
This office also provides the dynamic working culture of a creative agency supported by a variety of spaces like semi-private discussion areas, enclosed office spaces, open plan work clusters, and private meeting rooms.
The firm created 12 bridges for Bruggen de President. The bridges are divided into nine slow traffic bridges and three car bridges. These bridges were designed as one family of images in line with the shape and materialization.
Since the client wanted a flexible and diverse office space, BFDO came with the idea to integrate open plan spaces intended for desk and a showroom.