Paddock House 9

Paddock House: Sustainability of A Family House with A Series of Framed Apertures

With the simple rectangular plan format, the bedrooms and wet areas are places on the west side to the living space (east side).  Some details are added into the small master bedroom with the concrete block walls, contrasting white plasterboard, and also plywood partition. The kid’s bedrooms have elevated sleeping platforms coated with plywood, providing a useable space to put a full-width study desk.

Farm House 6

Farm House: A Modern Australian Farmhouse with Climate and Features Technologies

The architect has a detail discussion with Pamela to design some best features for this house. After the completed project, today this modern farmhouse has sustainable features that consist of hot water made from a solar hot water system, a water saving, passive design with good ventilation, active heating with wood fireplace, active cooling with Hunter Pacific Concept ceiling fans, and also bright green lighting.

Casa Baretto 12

Casa Baretto: An Aging 1980’s Apartment with Openness Sense and A Connection to the Outdoor Terraces

Adriano Pupilli Architects works together with the design-sensitive and enthusiastic client to complete this apartment project. Additional details may also be added, especially to meet their two dog needs. In order to create the most comfortable living place for the client, a little bar is also designed in this apartment that looking over the beautiful view of the Cremorne Bay.