Sa House 14

Sa House: A Family House with A Connection between Home, Neighborhood, and Spaces

A compact design of the distinct functions can be found on the first floor. While the larger design on the second floor comes from the facsimile of a slightly pivoted windmill. Some of the communal spaces allow the family to come out and also creating a connection between the house and the outside. Home, neighborhood, and spaces are connected and also become a filter to the climate harshness.

Shiro House 15

Shiro House: An Open House in Narayama with Cherry Blossom Trees View

The idea of Shiro House design is different from a building design with small openings and a chance to enjoy the seasons from the sheltered distance. With its small open area, Shiro House can take full advantage of the building structure and also connect with the cityscape and landscape. This house is made to yet expansive and open to feel the changes in the seasons of Narayama.