Pfeiffer House 9

Pfeiffer House: A Single-Family House with A Lake Frontal View and Existing Storage Shed

The interior still has its continuity of the ceiling due to the use of glass and the strategy of low partitions. This way can create a unitary reading. Besides the wood, this house is also built with SIP panels to generate modular coordination in the construction elements of the house. The combination of the wood and these panels can deliver a comfortable and warm atmosphere inside the house.

Sunflower House 8

Sunflower House: A Fully Exposed House as A Big Sollar Collector with Strong Relationship to the Open Sea

This project relies on its geometry, especially for its struggle and strength. All the materials for this project are typical of the area, including the structure and the outdoor finishes of the walls. Due to the need in responding to the requirements, only the glazing incorporates thicknesses and technologies more typical of skyscrapers than for a project of single houses.

Empire House Canberra 17

Empire House, Canberra: A Longterm Family Home with Two Added Pavilions and Contemporary Details

All house windows are double-glazed. The mechanical heating and cooling can be reduced with active management of shade and passive ventilation. The large water tanks are buried within the garden and all roof water is captured and reused to water the garden and flush the toilet. The real sustainability of this project comes from working and saving with the original build.