Mylla Hytte 10

Mylla Hytte: A Small Cabin with Four Shed Roofs and Compact Interior

Completed in 2017 by Mork Ulnes Architects, Mylla Hytte is located in a towering pine forest outside of Oslo. This small 84 square meter cabin is designed as a retreat for a geologist and his family. The building sits on a hilltop and it is formed by the landscape forces. The gable roof of this cabin is divided to create four shed roofs while the interior is compact and finished in plywood.

Laurel Hills Residence 15

Laurel Hills Residence: A Single-Story Residence with A Connection between A Natural Landscape and Property

This single-story residence becomes a residential oasis in the heart of Los Angeles, California. Laurel Hills Residence is composed of three pavilions connected by a series of glass hallways with 4,900 SF in size, designed by Assembledge+. The main goal of this project is to allow a living experience, engaging the natural landscape with the property.