House In Kyoto 11

House in Kyoto: A Family House with A Modern Structure and Traditional Japanese Style

Started in 2015 and completed in 2019, House in Kyoto is a residential project by Joe Chikamori. Designed for a couple and their three little children, this family house sits in northern Kyoto city in a quiet residential area. The balance between the traditional Japanese style and modern structure of the house from the preference of the husband is the finishing touches of the project.

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3 Things To Understand Before You Start Building Your Own Home

Choosing to build your own home is a big commitment. For most people, this will entail not only supervising the actual construction of the home, but also a lot of the legwork both before and after the construction process. So with all that you’ll be required to research and make decisions about as you build your own home, it’s good to have at least a basic understanding of what you’re getting yourself into before you get started.