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Renting Vs. Buying: What Is The Best Choice?

So you’re considering whether you should rent an apartment, rent a room in a house, buy a tiny home, or buy a traditional residence. Renting or buying: which is best? Well, the context of your situation is going to be one of the most important deciding factors. For example, if you’re attending college in a town where you don’t plan on living, maybe don’t buy a house.

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What to Expect From the Bed of the Future

In the middle of the 20th century, technology was advancing at a breakneck pace, especially within the average home, and predictions flew over what new advanced consumer goods would revolutionize the average family’s lifestyle next. It wasn’t uncommon to see television programs like this one, envisioning a high-tech bedroom of the future, with all sorts of odd gadgets in and around the bedside — most of which are utterly unnecessary by today’s standards.