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10 Important Pieces of Advice for New Landlords

Managing a rental property is one of the most efficient ways to build wealth over time, since it allows you to collect rent in excess of your ongoing monthly expenses, and when you’re ready to move on, you can probably sell your home for a profit. Add to that the fact that you can multiply your revenue by adding multiple properties to your portfolio, and you can see why it’s such a popular financial strategy.

Jumpstory Download20200725 125610

5 Ways To Keep Business Facilities in Great Shape

Owning or managing a business is an achievement, but it also brings responsibilities. Taking care of a business property is just as important as taking care of your home. Your facilities are your clients’ first impressions of you, and business property can set the tone for the overall relationship and even for earning trust and repeat customers. Well-kept facilities show you pay attention to details and care about your customers and your employees. Here are five ways to keep your business facilities in great shape.

Jumpstory Download20200717 232231

A Rooftop Greenhouse: Creating An Amazing Urban Garden In Budget

If you are a nature-loving homeowner, living in a densely populated urban area may not be your idea of a perfect lifestyle. Small homes often have space constraints and having a garden is more of a dream. Consider yourself lucky if you have a small rooftop because even a small space is enough to create an amazing garden up there. And the best part is that you can create one without spending a fortune. Here are some smart measures that you can implement to build a dream rooftop garden.