Jumpstory Download20201223 085211

6 Key Construction Job Titles and Roles Every Architect Should Know About

The construction industry is one of the larger working fields in the world, but it is also one that has been expanding in the last few years. Things such as sustainable materials and the creation of smart houses are just a couple of the advances that this industry has developed. This is also a field that has many types of workers involved in the construction process. That’s why if you are part of the industry, there are certain construction job titles you need to know about.

Jumpstory Download20201218 090505

New House Trends for 2021

It is that time of the year again, and 2021 is just around the corner. This is an especially exciting time to try different types of decor, which can bring a new vibe to your home. If you don’t know which ones are the new house design trends for this new year, don’t worry. We have created a list of the top home decor ideas for 2021.