Alternative Energy for a Innovative House

What is the True Cost of Sustainable Homes?

Many people are becoming more aware of their environmental impact thanks to recent news articles highlighting things like carbon footprints, heat energy wastage, and recycling. Unfortunately, most houses haven’t been built to be environmentally friendly, meaning they are full of non-sustainable materials and inefficient insulation. There are many schemes in place to help homeowners upgrade their homes to be greener, but they can only scratch the surface of the problem.

Modern living room at house

How to Brighten Up Your Home With the Use of Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that’s based on the perceived influence of land and water on cosmic energy, or ‘Qi’. It’s said that by re-arranging or re-designing your home to be more ‘qi-friendly’, you can improve the flow of positive energy in the environment and reap rewards in your career and wider life – but what are the easiest ways to brighten up your living space using feng shui?