The Etch House 13

The Etch House: Modern Residence with New Elements and New Design of Spaces

The architect cuts some existing building features such as decorative plasterwork, staircase, and roof into the joinery faces. In order to define the house unique characteristic, some materials like brick and wall are used as they are, without additional painting or more details. From the outside, Etch House looks like a total brick house but the modern interior will surprise everyone who visits it.

BURROW LowRes 08

Rozelle Burrow: Expanding the Home’s Sense of Space with Extensive Internal Renovations

For the materials, Benn and Penna Architects uses a lot of wood to design the floor, the frame of the door and window, furniture, and storage. This material is balanced with white paints to create a bright background that comes from the wall and ceiling. And in order to create an open and large space, only essential furniture and elements are inserted into the house space.