RPFV House 10

RPFV House: A Single-Family House with New Construction and Thick Schist Walls

The gross area of this house is 643.20 m² with three floors. Rehabilitated and expanded, floor 0 now houses patio support and social functions. The interior of this floor is illuminated and ventilated by a patio. Floor 1 of the house is a mezzanine, organized around a larger patio and used for the daily life of the family. Floor 2 is used for relaxation and it is visible from the street.

JMC Zalla 7

JMC Zalla: A Single-Family Home with A Contemporary Character and Modern Design

Just like other projects designed by i2G Arquitectos, this house is also designed as a high energy efficiency house based on principles of passive architecture. These principles are aimed at an ”almost zero” energy consumption structure through many things, including control of air infiltration, optimization of solar and indoor temperature gains, elimination of thermal bridges, and continuous high-performance thermal insulation in the house envelope.

Arrankudiaga Unif 8

Arrankudiaga Unif: A Single-Family Home with A Singular Volumetry and Passive Architecture Principles

The design is also oriented towards the PASSIVHAUS standard of building energy efficiency and “almost zero” energy consumption to deliver energy modeling, optimization of solar gains and indoor temperature, high-performance carpentry, controlled ventilation with heat recovery, control of air infiltration, elimination of thermal bridges, and continuous high-performance thermal insulation in the envelope of the building.

Theatre House 21

Theatre House: An Old Village Theatre Transformation with Spatial and Constructive Values

Through this project, the architect also tries to respect the maximum the original condition of the existing warehouse. The structure of the existing warehouse is not modified, only reinforced. The few new architectural elements are added and the walls are not demolished just restored. The idea of this project is to build without affecting the existing and understanding that a theatre will have another life and another use over time surely.