Prouvé House 2

Prouvé House: A New Holiday Retreat Made Entirely of Metal and Wood

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and Ivan Harbour have been completed a holiday home project commissioned by Galerie Patrick Seguin. Prouvé House is completed in 2015, designed as a holiday home with a design adaptation from ‘6m x 6m Demountable House’ by the self-taught French architect and designer Jean Prouvé. This home is unique because it is made of entirely metal and wood.

House In Honen In 18

House in Honen-in: An Awesome Renovation of A 100-Years Old House

It is a renovation project of a 100-yeard old house by Kazuya Morita Architecture Studio. House in Honen-in is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, and it sits on the hillside that connects Mt. Okayama to Kyoto City via the Philosophy Road. Respecting the “time passed by the building” of this house, the scratches are carefully repaired and old pillars are also painted without concealing them.

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Catskill House: A Modern House with An Open and Free-Flowing Interior Plan

Audrey Matlock Architect has been completed a residential project called Catskill House in 2003. This modern house is located in Olive, NY, with 3,700 SF and designed for a private client. The client wants to have a house without a lot of visual separation between the house and its surrounding landscape. An open and free-flowing interior plan is also used to give a sense of free feeling inside the house.